
On Egypt stylizing

I am not too wild about the beginning. I had approached the prologue with the story about Limena several times and nothing matched. There was moments in which I deleted a couple of pages as I was feeling mad, so I delayed writing. I had the whole story right before my eyes, I knew, what would happen, I knew characters, most important events, but I hadn’t grasped the beginning. This problem was eating me up inside, while the Imagination got impatient. She wanted me to go further, and as fast as possible. At night, she tormented me by invading my thoughts, every now and then starting new sentences, new dialogues and descriptions. She would insist on one thread, which she wanted to include in the text.
But then coincidence helped me.  Now, I do not remember why but I reached for the book about Cleopatra. I found an excerpt quoting inscription written at the tomb of Ta-Imhotep, which inspired me extraordinarily.
Oh, all of you judgers and scholars, all of you noble and eminent, every people, who ever come into this tomb, come closer and listen to history of my life!*
Yes! I found it! A prophecy! I decided to begin with a prophecy. Not with the meeting with one of characters, not with boring description, nor a dialogue, which would be out of context. A prophecy! A subtle introduction to another world, which rules under different rules and by the way nothing would be said (I had even said more on this blog). Additionally I hit on an idea to create the culture of Chyllen founding on the Ancient Egypt. The Imagination seemed to be satisfied. For now. At least she hadn’t disturbed me that one time.
Coming back to my prophecy – every now and then I delved into the text from the tomb of Ta-imhotp and in turn composed words, which went well within my novel. In my head appeared an image of a mystery person who comes out of a forest. She carried a two-handed sword on her back. Her face was hidden under the mask of the darkness, but you could see a glint in her eyes. I wanted to write about that person. I forced burden on her, which only  she could take. The main thread will be set around this weight.
This is what I wrote:

All of you noble and wise, sorcerers and warriors, representatives of all of races that tread on the native ground of my own. All of you, who remember the greatness and majesty of the State with the Dragon Tower, come closer and listen, because the time came, when it is dangerous to stride with risen head.After nineteen years will come back to avenge legacy of father. The child unwanted, the child ennoble. Born in the third day of month Thatos, in thee thirtieth year of the reign of the king of Chyllen, the heir of Ne-Ferin house, the priest of KirIn, Lahols.The child exiled, bred in KirIn’s care will come back and his name will be…

*Aleksander Krawczuk, Cleopatra, in translation made by me.

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